2013年2月11日 星期一

A Critical Appraisal on Nuclear Technology: The Chinese Experience

Fukushima 2013 International Conference
Date: 9th March 2013
Time: 12:00 - 18:00

Professor Tian has a background in physics and has studied the philosophy of science and the history of science, and has an in-depth insight in the negative effects of science and technology.

He will systematically discuss the  potential and inevitable hazards that nuclear energy brings to human beings and the environment, in order to refute the view that nuclear energy is clean, safe and necessary.

Nuclear energy is unambigurously unsafe and unclean. It may only become necessary within the bounds of industrial civilisation.

The inabiliby of humans to stop using nuclear energy reflects the awkwardness and helplessness of industrial civilisation. It is analogous to quenching one's thirst with poison.

Within the framework of industrial civilization, capital, technology, and power form a natural alliance of interests. Thus scientists' dominating knowledge discourse serves the interests of capital. 

Industrial civilization is fraught with problems, there is a pressing need for a thorough revolution.

