Tokiko Noguchi (野口時子 )
Tokiko Noguchi is a representative of 3aKariyama, a citizens' group formed in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. She has participated in a number of actions and events, including recuperative holidays for Fukushima children in Hong Kong in 2012, various petitions and monitoring of food radioactivity by citizens, with the aim of seeking health and security in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear accident.
Yuki Tanaka (田中利幸)

Yuki Tanaka is a research professor at Hiroshima Peace Institute, and a coordinator of The Asia-Pacific Journal.
He has written extensively on various aspects of
warfare and is a co-editor most recently of Bombing Civilians: A
Twentieth Century History (co-editor with Marilyn B. Young). His other works include Japan's
Comfort Women and Hidden Horrors:
Japanese War Crimes in World War II.
(Adapted from:
David McNeill

McNeill is a veteran journalist and university
lecturer. He has lived in Japan since 2000 and is currently a part-time lecturer at Sophia University Tokyo,
the Japan/Korea correspondent for the Chronicle of Higher Education and a
regular contributor to the Irish Times, Independent
and Japan Times newspapers. His work has also appeared in numerous
media outlets around the globe including Newsweek,
New Scientist, The Face, New
Statesman, South China Morning Post and the International
Herald Tribune, The Chicago Tribune,
the BBC, RTE and CBC.
Before Sophia University Tokyo, McNeill has taught at
Liverpool John Moores University in the UK,
Guangdong University of Technology in southern China, and the University of
Tokyo, Takushoku University and the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan.
He is a board member of the Foreign
Correspondents' Club of Japan and chair of The Foreign Press in Japan.
(Adapted from: